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Content & FB & Hashtags, oh my!

May 3, 2021Social Media0 comments

Social media – Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn…it’s all pretty easy, right? You just write some posts, invite people to like your page, ask your friends and family to comment and share often so there aren’t any crickets chirping.


We hear it all the time – why would someone need a professional marketing effort for Facebook? Why would any business want a thorough, organized strategy for managing something “so simple”? The truth of the matter is, that SUCCESSFUL, PERFORMING social media is anything but.


A majority of people don’t understand what all we do as a social media company – and that’s okay. It’s our job to turn you into a believer and show you the value behind the services we provide, like creating, publishing, promoting, and managing your content.


Sure, anyone can do social media themselves. Anyone can create content. But the whole purpose of having a social media account is to connect and ENGAGE.


A strategized social page for your business needs to have a wide variety of QUALITY posts – ones that aim to inform, entertain, attract, educate, etc. You’re not going to create any meaningful relationships by posting your sales every day. It’s not about you – it’s about them. Your followers. Your customers. Your prospects.


We know there’s a whole myriad of mind-numbing content on a person’s newsfeed. If yours isn’t relevant and attention grabbing to your audience, you’re going to end up lost. And what’s even the point if you don’t make an impact?


The other thing about content is that only a small percentage of your followers will actually see each post – your social media presence needs to be consistent. It isn’t going to do much for you if you post 9 times in a week and then go MIA for two months because you got too busy with running all the other facets of your business.


And content is only one piece of the puzzle. There’s SO much data to be mined, measured, and applied to every social media platform out there. Knowing how to find and read the numbers is one thing, but using those numbers to increase reach, engagement, and ultimately, conversions – yeah, that’s a complete science in itself.


Long story short, running a results-driven social media account is actually a lot harder than most people think, with a lot of ways to do it wrong. There’s not only a chance of complete ineffectiveness and inefficiency – a poorly managed, inconsistent presence can significantly hurt your company and deplete its reputation. Yep…no pressure!


The good news? You don’t have to overwhelm yourself. For many small businesses, there just isn’t enough time or resources to dedicate to successful social media management. That’s where DiAndrea Media comes in – we’ll help supplement your efforts by providing strategic social media services and ensuring your accounts are geared towards achieving your goals, both short AND long-term.


In the end, it’s your job to run your business – it’s ours to make you look good while you do it. #micdrop

 – Angel